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1 Timothy 3:15b

“the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."


Equipping local churches to glorify God by fulfilling every aspect (Matthew 28:18-20) and area (Acts 1:8 of the Great Commission through the greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40).

America has lost its heritage as a Christian nation, we believe, because local churches have failed in their mission to reach beyond its Jerusalem into Judea and Samaria. Our mission is to reach America by turning every Judea and Samaria into Jerusalem, so that no one would be outside the reach of a true New Testament local church, just as the Lord intended.

Mark 16:15

1 Thessalonians 3:2

Ephesians 4:11-12

Acts 18:5

Concept image of freedom of religion, God and country, patriotism,etc.  Bible is open to the 23th Psalm.
Our Burden
Is to participate and organize local churches in the cooperative efforts of strengthening local churches and together establishing new churches in areas where there is a need.
In short, working in the Power of the Holy Spirit by methods practiced and published in the New Testament to the end that there would be no one outside the reach of a true New Testament Church.
It is not the skill and efforts of a select few that will accomplish this. It is the primary directive to identify clearly the needs and to organize the efforts for success by identifying those with certain skill sets within the family of God that would lend their efforts, expertise, gifts, and grace to assist local churches in accomplishing a variety of very needed projects and ministry ventures.

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